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SeeMeCV to launch SeeMeConnect with Politeknik META Industri Cikarang
Monday, 6 January 2025
JAKARTA, INDONESIA – Nendy Fernandy, Head of Commercial at SeeMeCV, officially signs an MoU with Dr. Dokmen Lubis, Director of Politeknik META Industri Cikarang, and Deddy Hidayat, Deputy Director for Collaboration. With the MOU, SeeMeCV will collaborate with the school to deploy SeeMeConnect, – a career portal solution that helps schools attract employers and build quality connections for students through personalised content, easy job search, and smooth hiring process.
Politeknik META Industri is a leading vocational college known for its commitment in preparing students with up to 1.5 years of industrial placement experience. This collaboration marks the start of something big!
We’re thrilled to partner with Politeknik META Industri and can’t wait to see the positive impact this will bring to students and the workforce! 🚀
Kabar baik! 🎉
Awal Desember lalu, Nendy Fernandy, Head of Commercial SeeMeCV, resmi menandatangani MoU dengan Dr. Dokmen Lubis selaku Direktur Politeknik META Industri Cikarang dan Deddy Hidayat sebagai Wakil Direktur Kerjasama.
Politeknik META Industri adalah perguruan tinggi vokasi terkemuka yang dikenal karena komitmennya menyediakan pengalaman penempatan industri hingga 1,5 tahun bagi para mahasiswanya. Kolaborasi ini menjadi awal dari langkah besar!
Kami sangat antusias menjalin kerja sama dengan Politeknik META Industri, dan tidak sabar melihat dampak positif yang akan dihasilkan untuk siswa maupun dunia kerja! 🚀
About SeeMeCV Pte Ltd.
SeeMeCV is a pioneer in AI-enhanced talent solutions, dedicated to empowering organizations with innovative tools to attract, engage, and retain top talent. With a focus on technology and innovation, SeeMeCV is committed to revolutionising the future of work.
About Politeknik META Industri
Politeknik META Industri is a leading vocational college known for its commitment to preparing students with up to 1.5 years of industrial placement experience.