Connecting graduates, alumni and employers in more ways than just job listings.

Leverage digital tools to create and promote a talent pool of graduates and alumni, primed for career success anywhere in the world.

Prepare graduates for the workforce.

Give them a head start by providing a job portal with resources to help them land that first gig after graduation. This can increase their chances of employment, ultimately helping them get their careers off the ground.

Expand your reach beyond the campus.

Spread the word about your university without
the traditional campus visits. Expand your pool of prospective students and provide them with a convenient way to learn more about you, helping them become a better part of the community.

Promote a culture of lifelong improvement

Coaching and mentorship help develop a deeper understanding of personal strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. This tailored approach to development provides continuous support that drives success long after graduation.


The best way to get your foot in the door is to just walk in.

Academic institutions are now turning to virtual events to show off their graduates to potential employers, both locally and internationally.


Whether it’s discussing programs or exploring opportunities, there’s no better way to stay in the know.


Start the conversation with Q&A sessions, interactive exhibit halls, and chat features.

Job Fairs

Connect students with the right opportunities through virtual booths, searchable databases, and online interviews.


Introduce the university life with department booths, speaker sessions, and chats with other students.


Leading Singapore University’s Career Hub

Client uses job portals to match thousands of graduates to careers in 6 months.

Effective and extensive reach to new opportunities.

Multimedia-enabled job profiles and management dashboard.

On-platform interview booking and applicant tracking.

Let’s make it happen for you, too.

Wide Reach

With virtual events, anyone with an Internet connection can join in—no passport needed.

Cost Saving

There’s no need to worry about costly venue rentals or other physical logistics.


Anyone can participate; one’s location and background become irrelevant.

Data Driven

Get invaluable data insights to measure success and refine future events.

Foster graduates’ and alumni’s professional development.

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